Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mental Health & Compliments

      As much as I hate to admit it, writing college application essays requires a lot of introspection. Many of the prompts have forced me to weigh my values and consider the world's most relevant problems. I'd also consider myself a thoughtful person, so I always try to write something that reaches my core beliefs. So when one prompt asked me what app I would create I was a bit taken aback. What hasn't been made already? What is useful for everyday life? I started to think about things that people typically overlook. There was one glaring topic: mental health. In the fast-paced environments we live in, it's easy to forget about our well-being. A positive attitude can really impact how we think, feel, and act. Mental wellness means a better quality of life, and that's something that all of us deserves.

       From there, I came up with an app that would give people little goals for the day, encourage healthy habits, and offer small reminders to promote wellness. But the feature that I knew I needed to include was a compliment generator. I know it sounds sort of silly, but it's important that we are reminded that we matter and that each of us has something special to offer the world. Compliments can instantly change your mood and someone else's. It's a win-win. I also believe that compliments should not be exclusive to physical appearance. Many people have much more to contribute to the world than just a cute top and perfect hair (although these things are great too! Yay body positivity!). Acknowledging someone as more than just how they look can monumentally improve how that person feels about who they are and how they think others perceive them. Take a couple seconds out of your day to share something you love about a person you know. Giving compliments is an easy  habit to get into and a step in the right direction for mental wellness.

Compliments that aren't about physical appearance


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