Monday, September 30, 2013

Backing Off

Let's have a heart to heart...
I love this blog. I love blogging. But after reading this post, I've had a bit of an epiphany about how I personally blog. I realized how much I've been over thinking it and putting too much pressure on myself to have a perfect and popular blog. As nice as that would be, there is a high chance that it won't happen anytime soon. There are millions, maybe billions, of talented people blogging about fashion, food, lifestyle, family, photography, etc. as a living whereas I'm just a teenager who started this blog on  whim. I'm a child in a world of professional adults. When i first started twirl, i was about to go into high school and my friends and I put more effort into my outfits than any of my peers (and still do most of the time) so i thought pretty highly of my style. Looking back a year later, i have thoughts such as "What was i thinking" and "how did anybody think i had style". Since the summer between 8th and 9th grade, i have matured a lot. I see the difference between myself last year and this year and have a greater understanding of what looks good on me. Even with all of these improvements, there is still so much for me to learn. This blog may never have more than 17 followers or ever have more than 40 views per post, but it was a catalyst for my style evolution and continues to push me in my creativity every day. 
As much as i love having something like this blog, i have other obligations  I still am in high school and focusing on that is key. I have my whole life ahead of me and i need to prepare for it. i also have an obligation to my family to spend time with them. i can't live on the internet and that's what i feel like I've been doing for a while now. I don't want to end twirl by any means, but i think my posting frequency is going to decrease a bit this fall and winter. 
I'm aware that twirl has had multiple rebirths where I make resolutions and end up either abandoning them or changing them altogether, but blogging is a learning process and I have learned that a blogger never stops improving. I want to continue to improve twirl in a way that makes it reader friendly as well as flexible to my personal life and schedule. 

Along with the idea of improving, I have always wanted to try a blog swap. If you do not know what that is, it is where 2 bloggers post on each other's blog. I would like to try that sometime so if someone has any interest in participating in said post with me, please let me know so we can get in touch and organize accordingly. 
Also, one last note, for any of you reading this post, i want to let you know a bit about the twirl team, namely myself. My name is not Birdy. For privacy reasons, i'm not going to reveal my real name, but letting my loyal followers (if i have any) read my blog under the impression the Birdy is my real name is weird to me. So there you go: the big reveal that was a year in the making.
Thank you (to anyone reading) for making the time I've spent so far on the blogosphere all worth my while. I hope for many more years of successful blogging. Many thanks for reading and understanding.


  1. Aw, I'm glad my post made you reflect on how you blog and what you want out of it. It's so important to remember why we started blogging; it keeps us grounded! I wish you the best of luck with school and your blog :)

    1. Thanks again for the inspiration. And thanks i'll try :)

  2. Aw no worries, blogging should never feel like a chore!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  3. I love that you posted this! Such honesty and I totally agree, that it helps personal creativity!

    Rachel Ashley

    1. Thanks! sometimes one just needs to re-examine themselves, ya know?


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